
TimeData package for Julia language

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1 Getting started

The goal of the package TimeData is to provide fast, robust and convenient representation of time series data. This shall be achieved through introduction of several new composite types, matching the characteristics of various types of time series data more closely.

Behavior of TimeData types in most cases borrows heavily from DataFrames, as this package provides an excellent way of representing quite general data. In particular, DataFrames already allow for named columns, as well as missing observations. In many situations, however, the time information of the data adds a separate and unique dimension to the data. The different characteristics of time data and observations then would not be accounted for sufficiently, if time was only one further column amongst the other observations.

The TimeData package provides users with the well-known experience of DataFrames whenever possible. It only deviates where additional convenience can be achieved through a more explicit separation between time information and observations. In particular, the following features allow convenient data handling.

1.1 Intuitive indexing

Extending the fabulous ways of indexing already provided by DataFrames, data can easily be accessed - amongst others - through variable names and dates.

using TimeData
using Dates

fileName = joinpath(Pkg.dir("TimeData"), "data/logRet.csv")
tm = TimeData.readTimedata(fileName)[1:10, 1:4]
2012-01-03 2.12505 0.88718 0.29744 0.47946
2012-01-04 0.82264 -0.38476 -0.95495 -0.52919
2012-01-05 -0.44787 -0.23157 0.28445 2.74752
2012-01-06 -0.51253 -0.93168 0.23891 1.94894
2012-01-09 0.58732 0 0.46128 0.28436
2012-01-10 0.52193 0.46693 1.31261 1.85986
2012-01-11 -0.63413 -0.38895 -1.52066 -3.06604
2012-01-12 0.60934 -0.46875 0.50453 -0.93039
2012-01-13 -0.80912 0.50771 -0.47478 0.25752
2012-01-17 0.74711 0.50515 0.297 -7.04176

Using a range of dates:

tm[Date(2012, 1, 4):Date(2012, 1, 10), 1:2]
2012-01-04 0.82264 -0.38476
2012-01-05 -0.44787 -0.23157
2012-01-06 -0.51253 -0.93168
2012-01-09 0.58732 0
2012-01-10 0.52193 0.46693

Using numeric indexing:

tm[3:8, 2:3]
2012-01-05 -0.23157 0.28445
2012-01-06 -0.93168 0.23891
2012-01-09 0 0.46128
2012-01-10 0.46693 1.31261
2012-01-11 -0.38895 -1.52066
2012-01-12 -0.46875 0.50453

Using column names:

tm[3:8, [:ABT, :MMM]]
2012-01-05 -0.23157 -0.44787
2012-01-06 -0.93168 -0.51253
2012-01-09 0 0.58732
2012-01-10 0.46693 0.52193
2012-01-11 -0.38895 -0.63413
2012-01-12 -0.46875 0.60934

1.2 Separate time information

Through the hard-coded distinction between time data and observations, code will become cleaner and less error-prone, as users can not mess with time information as easily anymore. Functions that apply to observations only, do not need to explicitly take into account the time information anymore. For example, simply rescaling observations by a factor of 2 becomes:

newTm = 2.*tm
2012-01-03 4.2501 1.77436 0.59488 0.95892
2012-01-04 1.64528 -0.76952 -1.9099 -1.05838
2012-01-05 -0.89574 -0.46314 0.5689 5.49504
2012-01-06 -1.02506 -1.86336 0.47782 3.89788
2012-01-09 1.17464 0 0.92256 0.56872
2012-01-10 1.04386 0.93386 2.62522 3.71972
2012-01-11 -1.26826 -0.7779 -3.04132 -6.13208
2012-01-12 1.21868 -0.9375 1.00906 -1.86078
2012-01-13 -1.61824 1.01542 -0.94956 0.51504
2012-01-17 1.49422 1.0103 0.594 -14.08352

Functions that do not naturally extend to time data can simply be overloaded and delegated to observations only.

Calculating mean values for each column:

mean(tm, 1)
0.300974 -0.0038740000000000107 0.04458300000000001 -0.398972

Calculating mean values per date:

idx x1
2012-01-03 0.9472824999999999
2012-01-04 -0.261565
2012-01-05 0.5881325000000001
2012-01-06 0.18590999999999996
2012-01-09 0.33324
2012-01-10 1.0403325
2012-01-11 -1.402445
2012-01-12 -0.0713175
2012-01-13 -0.1296675
2012-01-17 -1.373125

2 TimeData types

All types introduced are subtypes of abstract type AbstractTimedata and have two fields, separating time information from observations:

  • vals: a DataFrame
  • idx: an Array{T, 1}, consisting of either type
    • Integer,
    • Date, or
    • DateTime (from package Dates)

However, accessing these fields directly is considered poor style, as one could circumvent any constraints on the individual fields this way! Hence, only reference the fields directly if you really know what you are doing.

Given these commonalities of all TimeData types, there exist several distinct types that implement different constraints on the observations. Sorted from most general to most specific case, the following types are introduced:

  • Timedata: no further restrictions on observations
  • Timenum: observations may consist of numeric values or missing values only
  • Timematr: observations must be numeric values only

Given that these constraints are fulfilled, one is able to define and use more specific functions matching the data characteristics more closely. For example, Timematr instances can directly make use of fast and numerically optimized methods using Array{Float64, 2} under the hood. Hence, it is important that these constraints are reliably fulfilled. They are guaranteed as they are hard-coded into variables at time of creation through the individual constructors. And, by now, only a few methods exist that allow editing fields for data manipulation, and they all are designed to maintain all restrictions on the data.

The package generally tries to achieve high performance by delegating functionality to the most specialized case. For example, methods for instances of Timematr are delegated to Array{Float64, 2}, as they are not allowed to entail NAs anyways.

3 Constructors

For each type, variables can be created by directly handing over observations as DataFrame and time information as Array to the inner constructor.

vals = rand(4, 3);
dats = [Date(2013, 7, ii) for ii=1:4];
nams = [:A, :B, :C];
valsDf = composeDataFrame(vals, nams);

tm = Timematr(valsDf, dats)
idx A B C
2013-07-01 0.3668076837657581 0.6132177634585174 0.7271614060006228
2013-07-02 0.8402870142445031 0.8268085074961338 0.7631093687543671
2013-07-03 0.6880695323767783 0.03210864954311465 0.9955387409975662
2013-07-04 0.8182674804881986 0.7627315792913878 0.966201684866371

Besides, there also exist several outer constructors for each type, allowing more convenient creation. In particular, if observations do not entail any NAs, there is no need to wrap them up into DataFrames previously, but TimeData objects can simply be created from Arrays. Also, there might be situations where variable names and / or dates are missing. For these cases, there exist more convenient outer constructors, too, which generally follow the convention that dates never precede variable names as arguments.

td = Timedata(vals, nams, dats)
td = Timedata(vals, nams)
td = Timedata(vals, dats)
td = Timedata(vals)
idx x1 x2 x3
1 0.3668076837657581 0.6132177634585174 0.7271614060006228
2 0.8402870142445031 0.8268085074961338 0.7631093687543671
3 0.6880695323767783 0.03210864954311465 0.9955387409975662
4 0.8182674804881986 0.7627315792913878 0.966201684866371

4 Indexing

The idea of getindex is to stick with the behavior of DataFrames as far as possible for the basics, while extending it to allow indexing of rows by dates. Hence, indexing TimeData types should hopefully fit seamlessly into behavior familiar from other important types, with only intuitive extensions. However, it is important to note that indexing deviates from DataFrame behavior in one aspect: getindex will NEVER change the type of the variable! If you call it on a Timematr variable, it will also return a Timematr variable, and if you call it on type Timenum it will return Timenum as well. This behavior does deviate from DataFrame behavior in such that, for example, DataFrames return Array for single columns.

typeof(valsDf[:, 1])
typeof(td[:, 1])

typeof(valsDf[1, 1])
typeof(td[1, 1])

## empty instance
typeof(td[4:3, 5:4])

This will print:

Timedata{Int64} (constructor with 1 method)

Timedata{Int64} (constructor with 1 method)

Timedata{Int64} (constructor with 1 method)

Possible ways of indexing are:

## indexing by numeric indices
tmp = tm[2:3]
tmp = tm[1:3, 1:2]
tmp = tm[2, :]
tmp = tm[2]
tmp = tm[1:2, 2]
tmp = tm[3, 3]

## indexing with column names as symbols
tmp = tm[:A]
tmp = tm[2, [:A, :B]]

## logical indexing
logicCol = [true, false, true]
logicRow = repmat([true, false], 2, 1)[:]
tmp = tm[logicCol]
tmp = tm[logicRow, logicCol]
tmp = tm[logicRow, :]

## indexing with Dates
DatesToFind = [Date(2013, 7, ii) for ii=2:3]
tmp = tm[DatesToFind]
tm[Date(2013,7,2):Date(2013,7,3), :B]
tm[Date(2013,7,3):Date(2013,7,12), [true, false, false]]

As all getindex methods are designed to retain the TimeData structure, we need an additional get method to actual get the value of an entry itself.

## returning the first value only
get(tm, 1, 1)

## returning all values as Array{Any,2}
kk = get(tm)
isa(kk, Array{Any})

5 Read, write, io

Data can easily be imported from csv-files using function readTimedata. Under the hood, the function makes use of readtable from the DataFrames package. Additionally, columns are parsed for dates. The first column matching the regexp for dates will be chosen as time identifier.

filePath = joinpath(Pkg.dir("TimeData"), "data", "logRet.csv");
tm = readTimedata(filePath)
tm[1:5, 1:4]
2012-01-03 2.12505 0.88718 0.29744 0.47946
2012-01-04 0.82264 -0.38476 -0.95495 -0.52919
2012-01-05 -0.44787 -0.23157 0.28445 2.74752
2012-01-06 -0.51253 -0.93168 0.23891 1.94894
2012-01-09 0.58732 0 0.46128 0.28436

In the REPL itself, Julia calls the display method to show information about an instance.

type: Timematr{Date}
dimensions: (333,348)
333x6 DataFrame
| Row # | idx        | MMM      | ABT      | ACE      | ACT      | ADBE     |
| 1     | 2012-01-03 | 2.12505  | 0.88718  | 0.29744  | 0.47946  | 1.0556   |
| 2     | 2012-01-04 | 0.82264  | -0.38476 | -0.95495 | -0.52919 | -1.02024 |
| 3     | 2012-01-05 | -0.44787 | -0.23157 | 0.28445  | 2.74752  | 0.70472  |
| 4     | 2012-01-06 | -0.51253 | -0.93168 | 0.23891  | 1.94894  | 0.83917  |
| 5     | 2012-01-09 | 0.58732  | 0.0      | 0.46128  | 0.28436  | -0.66376 |
| 6     | 2012-01-10 | 0.52193  | 0.46693  | 1.31261  | 1.85986  | 2.32125  |
| 7     | 2012-01-11 | -0.63413 | -0.38895 | -1.52066 | -3.06604 | 0.41012  |
| 8     | 2012-01-12 | 0.60934  | -0.46875 | 0.50453  | -0.93039 | -0.30743 |
| 325   | 2013-04-19 | 0.69118  | 0.86745  | 0.77089  | 1.84469  | 0.6278   |
| 326   | 2013-04-22 | 0.08606  | -0.84023 | 0.27067  | -0.64178 | -0.47048 |
| 327   | 2013-04-23 | 1.48952  | 0.86721  | 0.8188   | 0.93582  | 0.76063  |
| 328   | 2013-04-24 | 0.451    | -1.8794  | -0.51518 | -0.49734 | -0.44673 |
| 329   | 2013-04-25 | -2.81414 | -0.08252 | -0.04492 | 0.61876  | 0.84708  |
| 330   | 2013-04-26 | -1.04683 | -0.08259 | -0.63106 | 2.05182  | -0.31125 |
| 331   | 2013-04-29 | 0.03897  | 0.74085  | -0.02261 | 4.49427  | 0.33344  |
| 332   | 2013-04-30 | 0.84381  | 0.51807  | 0.24845  | 0.14197  | 0.04438  |
| 333   | 2013-05-01 | -0.14498 | -0.08162 | -0.94057 | -1.27548 | -0.82415 |

As one can see, the display method will show the type of the variable, together with its dimensions and a snippet of the first values. Note that the number of columns does not entail the dates column, but does only count the columns of the remaining variables. Inherently, display makes use of the display method that is implemented for DataFrames, which is the reason for the somewhat misleading output line 333x348 DataFrame:. An issue that still needs to be fixed. However, html display in IJulia already shows an improved table output.

An even more elaborate way of looking at the data contained in a TimeData type is function str (following the name used in R), which will print:

## str(tm) # uncomment for execution
type: Timematr{Date}
:vals  		  DataFrame
:idx  		  Array{Date,1}

dimensions of vals: (333,348)

From: 2012-01-03, To: 2013-05-01

333x6 DataFrame
| Row # | idx        | MMM      | ABT      | ACE      | ACT      | ADBE     |
| 1     | 2012-01-03 | 2.12505  | 0.88718  | 0.29744  | 0.47946  | 1.0556   |
| 2     | 2012-01-04 | 0.82264  | -0.38476 | -0.95495 | -0.52919 | -1.02024 |
| 3     | 2012-01-05 | -0.44787 | -0.23157 | 0.28445  | 2.74752  | 0.70472  |
| 4     | 2012-01-06 | -0.51253 | -0.93168 | 0.23891  | 1.94894  | 0.83917  |
| 5     | 2012-01-09 | 0.58732  | 0.0      | 0.46128  | 0.28436  | -0.66376 |
| 6     | 2012-01-10 | 0.52193  | 0.46693  | 1.31261  | 1.85986  | 2.32125  |
| 7     | 2012-01-11 | -0.63413 | -0.38895 | -1.52066 | -3.06604 | 0.41012  |
| 8     | 2012-01-12 | 0.60934  | -0.46875 | 0.50453  | -0.93039 | -0.30743 |
| 325   | 2013-04-19 | 0.69118  | 0.86745  | 0.77089  | 1.84469  | 0.6278   |
| 326   | 2013-04-22 | 0.08606  | -0.84023 | 0.27067  | -0.64178 | -0.47048 |
| 327   | 2013-04-23 | 1.48952  | 0.86721  | 0.8188   | 0.93582  | 0.76063  |
| 328   | 2013-04-24 | 0.451    | -1.8794  | -0.51518 | -0.49734 | -0.44673 |
| 329   | 2013-04-25 | -2.81414 | -0.08252 | -0.04492 | 0.61876  | 0.84708  |
| 330   | 2013-04-26 | -1.04683 | -0.08259 | -0.63106 | 2.05182  | -0.31125 |
| 331   | 2013-04-29 | 0.03897  | 0.74085  | -0.02261 | 4.49427  | 0.33344  |
| 332   | 2013-04-30 | 0.84381  | 0.51807  | 0.24845  | 0.14197  | 0.04438  |
| 333   | 2013-05-01 | -0.14498 | -0.08162 | -0.94057 | -1.27548 | -0.82415 |

This additionally shows the names of the fields of the object, and also explicitly displays the time period of the data.

To save an object to disk, simply call function writeTimedata, which internally uses writetable from the DataFrame package. In accordance with writetable, the first argument is the filename as string, while the second argument is the variable to be saved.

#   writeTimedata("data/logRet2.csv", tm) # uncomment for execution

6 Conversion

To DataFrame:

  • td.vals (without index)
  • convert(DataFrame, td)

Get column as DataArray:

  • td.vals[ii]
  • td.vals[:, ii]

As array:

  • asArr

Array with NaN to DataFrame with NA:

  • still missing?

Remove NAs:

  • dropna (DataArray)
  • completecases (DataFrame)
  • narm (TimeData)

7 Data manipulation

The following data manipulation functions could be used from DataFrames and are not yet implemented for TimeData types yet.

  • sort
  • select / groupby
  • stack / melt (wide to long format)
  • unstack / cast (long to wide)
  • merge / join
  • normalization

8 Functions and operators

Mathematical operators and functions are only implemented for Timematr and Timenum types, since they are not well defined operations for general data (strings, …).

Whenever possible, functions apply element-wise to observations only, and you should get back the same type that you did call the function on. In case that this is not possible, the type that you get back should be the natural first choice. For example, element-wise comparisons should return a logical value for each entry, which by definition could not be of type Timenum where only numeric values are allowed.

typeof(tm .+ tm)
typeof(tm .> 0.5)
Timematr{Date} (constructor with 1 method)
Timedata{Date} (constructor with 1 method)

The standard library for TimeData comprises all standard operators and mathematical functions. As expected, these functions all apply elementwise, and leave the time information untouched. Where additional arguments are allowed for Arrays, they are allowed for TimeData types as well.

tm[1:3, 1:3] .> 0.5
exp(tm[1:3, 1:3])
round(tm[1:3, 1:3], 2)
type: Timedata{Date}
dimensions: (3,3)
3x4 DataFrame
| Row # | idx        | MMM   | ABT   | ACE   |
| 1     | 2012-01-03 | true  | true  | false |
| 2     | 2012-01-04 | true  | false | false |
| 3     | 2012-01-05 | false | false | false |

type: Timematr{Date}
dimensions: (3,3)
3x4 DataFrame
| Row # | idx        | MMM      | ABT      | ACE      |
| 1     | 2012-01-03 | 8.37332  | 2.42827  | 1.34641  |
| 2     | 2012-01-04 | 2.2765   | 0.680614 | 0.384831 |
| 3     | 2012-01-05 | 0.638988 | 0.793287 | 1.32903  |

type: Timematr{Date}
dimensions: (3,3)
3x4 DataFrame
| Row # | idx        | MMM   | ABT   | ACE   |
| 1     | 2012-01-03 | 2.13  | 0.89  | 0.3   |
| 2     | 2012-01-04 | 0.82  | -0.38 | -0.95 |
| 3     | 2012-01-05 | -0.45 | -0.23 | 0.28  |

9 Iterators and map

The idea of iterators and map is to allow application of a given function successively to parts of the data set, such that the resulting values will automatically be embedded into the metadata again. Applying a function iteratively and simply capturing the results in an Array{Any, 1} is a quite easy task with comprehensions. However, automatically storing the data in a meaningful way encapsulated by its respective metadata is the hard part of the task. This, however, can be easily achieved through a combination of iterators and map for a quite general set tasks.

9.1 Iterators

For rectangular data, there basically exist three ways of iteratively stepping through:

  • element-wise
  • row-wise
  • column-wise

In addition, functions can either apply to individual values only or to values that are embedded with metadata (values plus time information and / or variable name). Hence, the package implements six different standard iterators, each returning different slices of a given TimeData object:

  value value plus metadata
element-wise eachentry eachobs
row-wise eachrow eachdate
column-wise eachcol eachvar

All iterators containing metadata will provide slices of the data in the exact same type as the original data. Hence, eachdate applied to a Timematr will return Timematr objects of dimension \(1\times m\), while eachvar applied to a Timedata object will return \(n \times 1\) Timedata objects.

Iterators without metadata provide data in the following formats

  • eachentry: individual entries only
  • eachrow: \(1\times m\) DataFrame - this is different to eachrow for DataFrames
  • eachcol: tuple (nam, col), where nam is the variable name as Symbol and col is the data as DataArray or Array

9.2 Map

With iterators specifying how to slice a given data set, we still need to define what type of function should be applied to each part. Thereby, we again distinguish functions into two groups. Functions that preserve the original dimensions of the data are implemented through function map, while functions that reduce the original dimension are implemented through collapse (see below).

Hence, any operation that will map a data row to a row again, and a data column to a column again, is implemented through function map. Furthermore, as we do not know a priori which type to expect of an arbitrary function, output values will always be captured in the most general format as type Timedata. Hence, the output of any function applied iteratively to data with map will always be a Timedata object of dimensions equal to the original data set.

Although we know that map will always map a row to a row, there still are multiple formats that conceptually could represent row-wise data: an \(1 \times m\) DataFrame, an \(1 \times m\) TimeData object, an \(1 \times m\) Array or an \(m \times 1\) Array. In other words: some mapping functions preserve metadata, and some don't.

So far, map automatically handles several function output formats for any given input iterator:

iterator output formats
eachentry a single value of any standard type
eachrow mx1 Array or 1xm Array, 1xm DataFrame
eachcol nx1 Array or DataArray
eachobs 1x1 Array, DataFrame or TimeData
eachdate mx1 Array or 1xm Array, 1xm DataFrame or TimeData
eachvar nx1 Array or DataFrame or DataArray or TimeData

Internally, column data is extracted from possible metadata by function getColData, row data by nthRowElem and singleton entries by get(x, :). Only the extracted values themselves then will be used in the output.

9.3 Collapse

While map is designed to always match the dimension of the original input data, there are also situations where a function collapses a complete row or column to a single value. Such mappings are implemented by two collapse functions, each of them being accessible with two different iterators: one returning values only, and one returning values with metadata. Also, the output of both functions differs:

  • collapseDates:
    • output: \(1 \times m\) DataFrame
    • possible iterators: eachrow, eachdate
  • collapseVars:
    • output: \(n \times 1\) TimeData
    • possible iterators: eachcol, eachvar

9.4 Check condition

For some special cases there exist more fine-tailored implementations of iterative data mapping in order to allow for more efficient data handling. For example, chk... functions are successively checking whether a given condition is fulfilled for the individual data slices, and hence will return one of only three possible values for each slice:

  • true
  • false
  • NA

Again, we can check whether a certain condition holds based on three different ways of slicing the data: the condition can be a property of either individual values (chkElw), individual rows (chkDates) or individual columns (chkVars). This way, output dimensions and formats will vary depending on the condition used:

  • chkElw: \(n \times m\) TimeData object
  • chkDates: \(n \times 1\) TimeData object
  • chkVars: \(1 \times m\) DataFrame

Still, however, all individual entries of any output must be either Bool or NA.

Also, a certain condition can be a property of the plain data values themselves, or of data combined with metadata. Hence, all three chk... functions again allow for two different iterators each:

  • chkElw: either eachentry or eachobs
  • chkDates: either eachrow or eachdate
  • chkVars: either eachcol or eachvar

One frequent application of chk... functions is selecting data slices based on whether a certain condition is fulfilled. This selection generally comprises three steps:

  • checking whether the condition is met for data slices
  • deciding how to interpret slices with unknown property regarding the condition: should NA be interpreted as true or false?
  • converting the result to Array{Bool, 1} or Array{Bool, 2} to use it for logical indexing

Thereby the selection of certain rows or columns will again result in a rectangular shaped data set. chkElw, however, selects individual entries from possibly different columns and rows, so that the data has to be returned as TimeData object in long format: in addition to the index, the result comprises columns variable and value.

For example, selecting all columns with a maximum value above 10:

filePath = joinpath(Pkg.dir("TimeData"), "data", "logRet.csv");
tm = readTimedata(filePath)

columnsMeetingCondition = chkVars(x -> minimum(x, 1)[1, 1] .< -25, eachvar(tm)) |>
                          x -> asArr(x, Bool, false) |>
                          x -> tm[x[:]]

minimum(columnsMeetingCondition, 1)
-25.04314 -25.61743 -47.11015

10 Plotting

problem with dates:

  • as strings:
    • not working for Winston
    • interpreted as categorical data by gadfly: very slow

10.1 Winston

10.2 Gadfly

only numeric values

11 Additional functions

Besides basic mathematical functions and operators, there are already quite some additional functions that are defined for several TimeData types. You can find them in the online documentation.

12 Under the hood: implementation

The balancing act between emulating and extending DataFrames is implemented in Julia maybe a bit less naturally than in traditional object oriented programming languages. There, one can easily inherit behavior from other classes through subclasses, thereby overwriting inherited methods whenever desired. In Julia, however, composite types are not allowed to be subtypes of other composite types, but only abstract types may act as parent. Under the hood, TimeData types hence inherit their behavior by owning a field of type DataFrame. This way, functions can easily be delegated to this field whenever necessary. For a more elaborate discussion on this topic and the interior design of TimeData, take a look at this post on my blog.

13 Current state

All TimeData types should already provide a convenient way to represent and handle time series data. In extension to the already implemented functions directly applying to types of the TimeData package, any DataFrame functionality in principle can easily be regained by delegating functions to field vals. So far, I only tested TimeData types with Date type from the Dates package myself, and not yet with type DateTime.

14 Acknowledgement

Of course, any package can only be as good as the individual parts that it builds on. Accordingly, I'd like to thank all people that were involved in the development of all the functions that were made ready to use for me to build this package upon. In particular, I want to thank the developers of

  • the Julia language, for their continuous and tremendous efforts during the creation of this free, fast and highly flexible programming language!
  • the DataFrames package, which definitely provides the best representation for general types of data in data analysis. It's a role model that every last bit of code of TimeData depends on, and the interface that every statistics package should use.
  • the Dates package, which is a thoughtful implementation of dates, time and durations, and the backbone of all time components in TimeData.
  • the TimeSeries package, which follows a different approach to handling time series data. Having a quite similar goal in mind, the package was a great inspiration for me, and occasionally I even could borrow parts of code from it (for example, from an old version of function readtime).

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